Hello, nice to meet you:) I just started playing with Home Assistant. I created a notification that sends TTS message to a phone, and it is great. I have input text on a dashboard and a button, and generally it does the job. However, after I put the text in the text box I need to click somewhere else before I click the button - otherwise the text field is still focused and the value does not update. Any hints on how to fix this minor inconvenience?
FYI, that is my script. I think it could be useful for some people because the syntax changed recently. My script is crude but does the job - it updates the sensor value and reads the current sound level of a device (needs a bit of delay), stores it, then it changes it to the level I like for my purposes (not “max”), reads the text and it restores the previous alarm level (4 second delay is fine for my purposes, couldn’t find nicer solution).
I upgraded the script, but the problem is still not solved. At the beginning of the script I check if the input text is not empty, and stop the script if it is empty (so I don’t send empty notifications). After sending the message I clear input text so you see that the message was sent (text that you typed disappeared). Then I know I have to tap on some empty space before sending the message. But its still quite annoying.
It happens only when using companion app, with web gui it works fine.
Max is too loud, the value I set is what I like on my device. Anyway, if someone know how to update input text helper from companion app without clicking on a random place before clicking the actual button please let me know.
It is a pity, it makes input_text mostly worthless. It funny that even if you attach like homeassistant.update_entity to the button, it still does not update the state of the input_text. As such there really is no workaround I could find or even a design such that putting text into the input_select and use it without something else happening in between.
What am I using it for?
I developed a GUI for Vizio TV to be able to search by typing in the text. Clicking the spyglass would clear the previous search and put in the new search term. Issue is, if you type new text in that box and click search, it sends the old text … not updated. Simply mindboggling that update event is not attached to the field that would call some service on every character or even calling update_entity at the start of the script. Because the state is the old text, you could not even grab it and append a CR.
At a loss here. Gonna check if an automation does anything but I suspect not. I have tried so many ways but the simple statement is that the state of input_text is not updated with the new text unless you click off it (and not even if you click on a button, it must be clicking on nothing).
Another question should be why is input_text different than say the input dialog for assist which DOES work and anything typed in immediately is known