Auto Zoom of Map Card

I have a wall mounted tablet with the home assistant companion app which shows among other things a map card with me and my wife.
Is there a way to “auto center/auto zoom” the card when we are moving so every time both of us are visible? (I could swear in the past it did but i’m not really sure). When i refresh the screen/page the zoom level is automatically chosen so both of us are visible, but without it there is only one person shown if the other moves away…
Sorry if it is asked already, but i didn’t find it with a search.


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I’ve got the same need - any ideas?

If you use the companion app or kiosk browser you can reload the page depending of the state of your entities.
I have used a distance sensor for me and my wife, when distance changes my automation forces a reload of the lovelace view and then the entities are centered and the zoom factor fits our distance.