Automate a Fan control panel: doable?

To all HA Gurus,
I was staring at a control panel in my bathroom the other day and thought wouldn’t be great to control it via HA.

The panel controls 2 fans with a bunch of little settings I would love to have HA automate it. It does not have a remote. All actions are done by this panel unfortunately.

Well, I guess the function to automatically flush the toilet when it detects a certain weight in it is pretty hard to build, still doable. I would guess that closing the garage if the athmospheric pressure in New york drops by two point is easily done. So yes, you can totally do it.

Yokes aside: You are lacking all information that would help us to help you:

  • What are your tinkering skills? You will need to somehow find out how to electrically connect the fans and then build the system to do this
  • What little functions do you need? My Asian language skills are not sufficient enough to even identify the actual language written on the display (although I would guess “traditional chinese”)

From there we can go and identify possible solutions.

What will likely not work is to somehow connect the display itself to HA and to talk to it. At least not out of the box. You might be able to find a communication interface and program a gateway for it, still i doubt that there is a ready-to-flash solution for this.

It would probably be easier to build something new out of esphome.

Yea, I 'll just scratch that off the to do list. Sounds like loads of work to be done. It’s Japanese, btw.

Just to name a few. The controls turn up and down the speed of the fan. Has a timer of how long the fans should be on in the shower, toilet, & wash rooms.

Well, I guess the function to automatically flush the toilet when it detects a certain weight in it is pretty hard to build.

Actually, my toilet has this function built-in. Pre washes the bowl when it first detects weight on the seat and auto flushes when there is no weight on the seat. I don’t care too much about that, but the heated seat is gold. Especially in the winter.

More importantly, what is the connection between this controller and the fans themselves?

More importantly, what is the connection between this controller and the fans themselves?

I did open the wall faceplate just to take a peek. I can see 2 electrical wires, but the black wire shot off somewhere I do not know. Maybe back to the fuse box.

So do they look like mains or some sort of control. Thickness of the wire, or a multimeter is probably the only way to know. BE CAREFUL.

So, where can I buy those toilet in Germany? Sounds pretty cool :blush:!

If you would manage to find out how the fan is controlled, building an ESP replacement would be relatively straight forward and you could add additional sensors to it. I am thinking: Temperatur and humidity. With those, you would not have to specify times for the fans but have HA regulate to a certain humidity/temp level. This would compensate for f.ex. longer shower times which would result in higher humidity levels.

Going far beyond what you would like to do: somehow get your toilet weight sensor and get shower water flow and you would even extend the intelligence of your bathroom. Have a (smart) speaker play tunes while using the toilet and have different fan profiles for showering and toilet business that automatically activate.

Just don’t push the “tampon removal” button if you are a male :slight_smile:

Oh, which one of the three shells is that one :thinking:? I always confuse them :scream:

@duceduc Does this device come with an App? If that’s the case you are halfway there: you will only need to develop a Core Integration.

Does this device come with an App?

No app