Automate a notification with dynamic energycosts for one furnace-run

We have a furnace setted up in the garage with his own energy-meter. The furnace does different runs on different times so the dynamic energyprice and energyconsumption will go up and down.

I want to make an automation which does the following:

If the energymeter (kWh-F) of the furnace measures above 0 watts than start monitoring kWh combined with dynamic energyprice (Live-E/kWh) till kWh-F is 0 watts again for 10 minutes.

When finished, send a notification to phone with total kWh-F and total (Live-E/kWh)

I am connected in HA with the energy supplier through an API to get Live pricing which changes every hour.

HI, welcome to the forum!

Do you have that furnace energy meter already integrated in HA?

Yes, I have a HomeWizard 3phase energymonitor connected and measuring in HA.

That will be your triggers: the numeric values, 0 or more

Yes I understand, but I dont know how to monitor that moment. Do I need an integration or something like that for this ?

Do you have the live cost in HA.

There is no need to add anything for this.
I think this can be done with templates as an action when the trigger (above 0) is fired, but I’m not good at it.
You could write the cost to a helper while the automation runs and send the value when finished.

Yes I read the live costs for every kWh consuming. Its from an API from energy supplier. I am using Tibber.

So, the only two things I want to know is how many kWh-usage I have each run calculated with my dynamic price according the graphs I’ve send.