Automate brightness of screen based on ambient light sensor

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to automate the screen brightness of my lenovo smart clock.

I have acess to the embeded ambiant light sensor value : sensor.my_wall_panel_light and also the possibility to change the brightness of my clcok via aninput_number.smart_clock_brightness

I would like to automate it based on a formula found on the internet here
Bassicaly its this formula:

I’ve created the following automation but I am not capable of passing the value throuh the template:

  alias: Automatic brightness control
    platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.my_wall_panel_light
  - service: input_number.set_value 
      value: >-
        {%  set x = states('sensor.my_wall_panel_light') | float %}
        {% if x < 1254 %}
          {{ ((9.9323* log(x)) + 27.059) | round(0) }}  
        {% elif x >= 1254 %}
          {{ 100 }}
        {% else %}
          {{ 50 }}  
        {% endif %}
      entity_id: input_number.smart_clock_brightness

Can anyone help?? :slight_smile: