Automate central heating (CH) state except when manually set

I’m currently using automation to turn of my CH when outside temp reaches 17C and resumes operation when outside temp drops below 15C. Now I want to include a check so that operation is only resumed if it was turned off by automation to begin with, preventing it from turning on when I have manually turned it off.

I was thinking I could set a variable when CH was turned off due to this automation task to indicate automation was the cause of the CH being off and use this in the condition part of the automation to turn it back on (only turn on CH if variable is set), but haven’t been able to do so yet.

Can anyone guide me in the right direction?

I would suggest a simple input boolean helper (aka toggle). Use this to control whether or not the automation should fire, and add it as a condition to the automation.

So for example, you could call the helper ‘Manual Override’, and only fire the automation if that helper is ‘untoggled’ or false.

Exactly what I was looking for, using the helper toggle as my variable. Thanks!