Automate Echo to play music

Is it possible to use Alexa in an automation action? What I’m looking to do is:

Trigger - Someone arrives Home
Action - Echo turns on radio, or an amazon station

I’ve not played with Alexa Skills yet, so it may well be possible through that route - however if anyone’s had any experience doing a similar automation that would be a great starting point.

Have a look at this and use it to create a home assistant shell command.


Do you have any instructions on how to use this? It sounds pretty nice but can’t figure it out

I’ve tried a few times to get it to work, with no success. There is documentation on the GitHub page and Thorsten’s website, however I wonder if it just doesn’t work in the UK (only Germany and America).
I’ve since bought a Google Mini for another room, and it’s painfully easy to automate to play the radio, so I’m considering selling my Echo and swapping it for a Google Home. Easy automation of music plus TTS makes it a really useful device.

I just installed and tried to use this script, but i have few problems…
The most important is that if i specify in the command line a device, the script exit with this error:

{"__type":"HouseholdNotAuthorizedException:","message":"Customer does not belong to the same household"}

I am using the only amazon account i have and in the script i set regularly the right amazon site (in my case
And if i don’t specify a device i get what i asked but always at the same device set from the script as default (i own two amazon devices, one echo plus and one echo spot)

setting default device to:


sending cmd:traffic to dev:Echo_Spot_di_Maurizio type:A10A33FOX2NUBK serial:G070RR1383640BSD customerid:A2NMKPQPAXWH3A

Sequence command: Alexa.Traffic.Play

Why this behaviour and how to use a specific device?

I have a Prime Account on Amazon and tried to use your script, but every command i send to my echo devices to play some music from my library it exit without doing nothing. The only thing i can see is this:

sudo /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/./ -s "Abbey Road"

setting default device to:

Echo Spot

playing library track:Abbey Road on dev:Echo Spot type:A10A33FOX2NUBK serial:G070RR1383640BSD mediaownerid:A2NMKPQPAXWH3A


Maybe Prime Music account is not supported?