I’ve read up on some python scripting that would allow for automated state changes, but is there really nothing more simple? I have lots of automations that are based on my wife and I (Family) leaving the home zone. Whenever we have a babysitter staying in the house, after we leave, I go into developer settings and manually change Family back to “home” after we’ve been detected as “not_home”; this turns everything back on and it will stay as such until we come home and leave the next time.
I was just hoping to set up an automation that would allow me to make this state change with the press of a widget.
Companion app is installed and I am using it for presence detection already. My wife and I are in the Family group, whose state change activates certain automations. However, we occasionally leave the home when others remain, so I change the state manually to turn everything back on. I was hoping to simplify that manual input by having a widget.
Similar to this, I just use an input_boolean as a guest mode. Tom’s idea is simple and gives you more options. I’ve been using my version almost since the day I started this hobby without modification (> 2 years).
How is the above any different than me simply changing the state to “home” in developer tools? This state change affects all my automations, it’s not like I have multiple parameters to change.
Where would I be choosing these inputs described above?
Never mind, I understand how it works now. Created a boolean toggle which turns Guest mode on/off and created the widget on my phone. Using that boolean helper in my automations, as you suggested, to be a condition.