Automate scene execution for scene lists (input_select/dropdown) from multiple rooms


Fairly new to Home Assistant, but trying my hand at some scripting.

I’m trying to devise a utility automation that automatically plays a scene from input_select dialogs on a room-by-room basis. Each input_select (dropdown) helper has a list of scenes in friendly language, which relates to a scene in a room, thus:

Off -> scene.back_garden_off
Moonlight -> scene.back_garden_moonlight
Warm Glow -> scene.back_garden_warm_glow
Off -> scene.kitchen_off
Blood Moon -> scene.kitchen_blood_moon
Bright -> scene.kitchen_bright

I was able to devise an automation that works for one room specifically, but rather than having a single automation for each room (much like below, which works for one specific “room” only), I’d like something that is more general. Note that I do not need a list of all scenes for each room; I prefer limiting them to the specific input_select helpers. I was thinking that trigger IDs might make it easier, but I can’t work out how to use them as a wildcard within states(). Could someone show me the syntax, assuming it’s possible, of automatically selecting the state option to match the trigger entity_id?

alias: Scene Selector
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_select.back_garden_scenes
    id: back_garden_
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_select.kitchen_scenes
    id: kitchen_
  - target:
      entity_id: >-
        {{'scene.' + +
        states('input_select.back_garden_scenes').replace(" ", "_").lower()}}
    action: scene.turn_on
mode: single

Also grateful for any other ideas people have for making this more elegant.


Oh and it hopefully goes without saying that I’m trying to find an efficient alternative to using “choose”, which is what I’m settling on on the interim. Thanks!