Automated blinds

Hi everyone,

I have a quick question.

My current setup with HA is the all-in-one installer on a raspberry pi 3. I have a tellstick Duo and a z-wave uzb connected to it.

Does this product work with my setup in HA? Anyone have some experience setting it up?

Have a nice day! :slight_smile:

Have anyone tried to setup these at home with HA?


I know I’m bit late replaying this thread but i been working on solution for this my self today, and I worked it out finally. it was no easy task because I had to read on different forums and in different config-files to finally puzzle this together. I’m new to Home assistant so maybe there are a better way to sallow this but this is my way and I hope it helps someone anyway.

First of all I had to pare the 433Mhz blinds (Rullgardinsmotor bought at with my Tellstick duo that’s connected to my computer via USB.
I used Telldus Center. Added a Hasta > Blinds (version 2) with a random code and saved it.
I pressed the sync-button on the blinds for 3 seconds until it beeps.
Run to my computer and pressed the “Learn-button” to the right in the list on devices.
The Blind beeps as it being synced. Pressed edit on the Blind in Telldus Center and wrote down the two codes for this blind. These codes are for the “house” and “unit” variables later in the Tellstick Config on HASS.

Disconnect Tellstick Duo from my computer and connect it to my Raspberry Pi with HASS via USB.
On HASS, install Tellstick Add-on and add the following to “configuration.yaml”

    host: core-tellstick
    port: [50800, 50801]
    signal_repetitions: 3
  - platform: tellstick

Went to the Config-window in the Tellstick add-on and added this code for the blind:

      "id": 8,
      "name": "Vardagsrum rullgardin 4",
      "protocol": "hasta",
      "model": "selflearningv2",
      "house": "24557",
      "unit": "1"

Restart the Add-on and restart HASS.


Hope it helps, best regards.

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