Automated Light, Illuminance, Blocked, Movement Sensor, Presence, Zones

So, im still here, tried like all the options I could but without usable results, sometimes the light stays on, or the light gets turned off after minutes instead of seconds of inactivity, or it works with mine but not with any other phone.

The only big time problem what I see here, is that I just can’t write code… so im kindly asking for help in that now.

Im looking for an automated storage room light.

  • Trigger

Storage Room Movement Sensor Detects Movement

Entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_storage_room_occupancy

  • Conditions

Light was off to start with

entity: switch.0x54ef4410003b3633

iRobot is docked

Entity: vacuum.darth_vader

Someone Is Home

Entity: device_tracker.iphone_11_pro

Entity: device_tracker.iphone_x

Or maybe this works better, its the entity of the group where are both phones in ( if it works if only one of us is home, and not both )

Entity: device_tracker

The room is dark, LUX under 10

Entity: sensor.motion_sensor_storage_room_illuminance_lux

  • Action

Light On

Entity: switch.0x54ef4410003b3633

No movement for 10 sec

Entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_storage_room_occupancy

Turn Off Light

Entity: switch.0x54ef4410003b3633

PLS HELP :smiley: