Automated Temperature controlled ceiling and desk fans. Even heat in home

Challenge Getting a even temperature when heating A 2000 Sq foot home heated with Wood pellet stove centralized in a tall open ceiling living room.
The pellet stove is thermostat controlled [sensor in hallway location] and scheduled with my Hass-Apps Schedy and Lovelace thermostat card and a low volt relay connected to the thermostat connections o the stove.

Two ceiling fans to push hot air from tall ceiling, integrated with HA with Sonoff TX wall switches.
One Turbo fan mounted at the end of hallway to push air down a 25 foot hallway to bedrooms, integrated into HA with a sonoff basic.

Temperature sensor at ceiling.

Simple automation using generic thermostat cards to set at what temperature the fans come on and off.
The reason for temperature sensor at ceiling is when using living room temperature the fans only come on when the room heats up at living level. This is not a accurate way because heat builds up to 90 Deg F at the 12 foot ceiling just a few minutes after pellet stove is running but at the 6 feet living area is still relatively cool then when stove shuts down after 30 minutes or so the fans are blowing cool air.

hallway fan climate.YAML.

- platform: generic_thermostat
  name: hallway fan
  heater: switch.cooler_relay
  target_sensor: sensor.ceiling_temperature
  min_temp: 60.0
  max_temp: 100.0
  ac_mode: true
  target_temp: 78.0
  cold_tolerance: 0.0
  hot_tolerance: 0.0
  initial_hvac_mode: "cool"
  away_temp: 85

Ceiling fan climate.YAML using groups to control two fans.

  • platform: generic_thermostat
    name: fans
    heater: group.living_room_fans

heater: switch.dining_room_switch_dining_room_fan

target_sensor: sensor.ceiling_temperature
min_temp: 65.0
max_temp: 90.0
ac_mode: true
target_temp: 79.0
cold_tolerance: 0.0
hot_tolerance: 0.0
initial_hvac_mode: “cool”
away_temp: 85

this has made a huge difference of the even temperature in living room and more heat down hallway for bedrooms.

I will update with more details later.

My background. I have been using sonoff devices and ewelink with IFTTT for about 3 years to automate my home and heating and evaporative cooler. I made the jump to HA and I have been playing with Home assistant for about 6 months now. I’m enjoying playing with WLED I made a automatic fish feeder also.
Over 30 years I have been installing and servicing Hearth products specializing in Gas and wood pellet burning stoves.
Home automation is a hobby I needed.
my Facebook page

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My house doesn’t heat evenly after an addition with no additional furnace, just duct work.
I’ve been wanting to connect my fans and blue the heat from where we aren’t (and it’s hot) to where we are (and it’s always cold).