Automatic Backup Fails (Invalid agents selected: [''])

Upgraded to 2025.1.0 and enabled automatic backup.
I had an expired Nabu Casa trial (i’m mid migration from an old server to a new one and re-building), so Nabu Casa was on the list of locations, but it was disabled.

First backup seemed to have finished but generated an error that it failed to upload to cloud.
Backend shows:

WARNING (MainThread) [hass_nabucasa.cloud_api] Fetched (403)

When i hit Backup Now i get in the UI:

Last automatic backup failed

In the backend:

ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [140573254438336] Error handling message: Invalid agents selected: [‘’] (home_assistant_error)…

Tried signing out from Nabu Casa from System → Home Assistant Cloud, and the location no longer exists when configuring the backup, but i’m still getting the same error, and an automatic backup is not created (only the first automatic one generated the actual local file)

Note: Backup Now - Manual backup, works fine.


  • Core 2025.1.0
  • Supervisor 2024.12.3
  • Operating System 14.1
  • Frontend 20250103.0

Could you please report this here: Issues · home-assistant/core · GitHub

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Done, thanks.

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same here

none of my backups work anymore

Logger: homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection
Source: components/websocket_api/
integration: Home Assistant WebSocket API (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 21:34:20 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 21:34:38

[547631062832] Error handling message: Error creating backup: 'BackupManager.do_backup_partial' blocked from execution, system is not running - freeze (home_assistant_error) Bart from (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0)

a slight diference is that I never singed up for Naba cloud, I was planning to to upload the backups but since they are failing I think I wait for now.

I got the exact same problem. First backup with local and cloud was okay, then cloud started failing - same error as OP.

Same here! Cloud backup triggering errors since yeterday!

Same here, but… when I trigger an automated backup manually, it will be stored in the nabu casa cloud, but when trigged at 4.45, it fails to store it in the cloud.

Can confirm this behavior as well! Same for me unfortunately :frowning:

Same here … old backup to Google Drive still works but new backup won’t upload to NabuCasa.

Same here, first upload went fine, subsequent ones don’t upload to NabuCasa.

Same here.

Same here :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I got the same error for the last 3 days. The automatic upload fails however when I do it manually the backup is perfectly uploaded to the cloud.
The error I get is “Error uploading to Failed to get upload details”.

Same error here:

Same here manualy backup works with upload

Same as well