I am trying to create an automation to define de brightness of some lights depending on the hours of the day. I am using Home assistant 0.84.6 and the dimming is performed with a Fibaro Z-wave dimmer 2.
I do manage to set-up the brightness level when the light is turned on, but the issue is coming at 22:00 when passing from 100 to 13 brightness. The light is first turned on at 100 for about 1 second before being dimmed down to 13. Is their a solution to have the brightness level set up prior to the light turning on?
See bellow the piece of code.
Thanks in advance!
- alias: ‘Set corridor brightness’
trigger:- platform: state
entity_id: light.fibaro_fgd212__corridor_light_dimmer_level
to: ‘on’
action: - service: light.turn_on
entity_id: light.fibaro_fgd212__corridor_light_dimmer_level
brightness: >
{% if now().hour <7 %}
{% elif now().hour < 8 %}
{% elif now().hour < 20 %}
{% elif now().hour < 22 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
- platform: state