Automatic Fan Control based on Presence and Temperature

Fan ON/OFF Automation based on temperature, presence and outside temperature.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Fan turns on if the following conditions are met:
temperature inside greater than your set threshold value
& room/area is occupied
& temperature outside is lower than your set maximum value (to prevent turning the fan on in winter)

Fan turns off if the following conditions are met:
temperature inside is lower than your threshold value minus the hystersis value
room/area is not occupied

What the automation NOT observes:
manual fan control. Adapt the given values too your needs.
If you manually turn the fan on and the inside temperature is below the threshold your fan will turn off soon.

What you need:
a fan entity. if you control your fan via a switch entity (via smart plug for example) you can create a template fan entity.
sensor entities for inside and outside temperature. (if you want to use the weather domain than create a template sensor from the temp attribute)
occupation binary sensor entity for presence detection.

  name: Automatic Fan Control based on Presence and Temperature
  description: |
    ## Fan ON/OFF Automation based on temperature, presence and outside temperature.

    Fan turns on if the following conditions are met:
      temperature inside greater than your set threshold value
      & room/area is occupied
      & temperature outside is lower than your set maximum value (to prevent turning the fan on in winter)

    Fan turns off if the following conditions are met:
      temperature inside is lower than your threshold value minus the hystersis value
      room/area is not occupied
    What the automation **NOT** observes:
      manual fan control. Adapt the given values too your needs.
      If you manually turn the fan on and the inside temperature is below the threshold your fan will turn off soon.

    What you need:
      a fan entity. if you control your fan via a switch entity (via smart plug for example) you can create a template fan entity.
      sensor entities for inside and outside temperature. (if you want to use the weather domain than create a template sensor from the temp attribute)
      occupation binary sensor entity for presence detection.

  domain: automation
    min_version: 2024.8.0
      name: Fan
      description: Fan to control
            domain: fan
      name: Temperature Inside
      description: 'Temperature to track inside your house'
          domain: sensor
          device_class: temperature

      name: Temperature Outside
      description: 'Temperature outside to prevent to turn on the fan in winter for example'
          domain: sensor
          device_class: temperature

      name: Presence Sensor
      description: 'Only turn on Fan if this area is occupied'
          domain: binary_sensor
          device_class: occupancy

      name: Outside temperature
      description: 'outside temperature that must be reached to turn on the fan (to prevent the fan to be turned on in winter)'
          min: 0
          max: 150
          step: 0.5
          unit_of_measurement: °C

      name: Inside temperature threshold
      description: 'inside threshold temperature that must be reached to turn on the fan'
          min: 0
          max: 150
          step: 0.5
          unit_of_measurement: °C

      name: Hysteresis
      description: 'The difference the observed value must be lower than the threshold value before the fan is turned off'
          min: 0.5
          max: 30
          step: 0.5
          unit_of_measurement: °C

  fan: !input fan
  temp_inside_entity: !input temp_inside
  temp_inside: "{{ states[temp_inside_entity].state }}"
  temp_outside_entity: !input temp_outside
  temp_outside: "{{ states[temp_outside_entity].state }}"
  presence_sensor: !input presence_sensor
  temp_threshold_inside: !input temp_threshold_inside
  temp_outside_min: !input temp_outside_min
  hysteresis: !input hysteresis

max_exceeded: silent
- platform: state
  entity_id: !input temp_inside
- platform: state
  entity_id: !input temp_outside
- platform: state
  entity_id: !input presence_sensor
condition: []
- choose:
  - conditions:
    - alias: "temp inside greater than temp threshold value"
      condition: template
      value_template: >
        {{ temp_inside|float > temp_threshold_inside|float }}
    - alias: "temp outside greater than outside min temp"
      condition: template
      value_template: >
        {{ temp_outside|float > temp_outside_min|float }}
    - condition: state
      entity_id: !input presence_sensor
      state: 'on'
    - action: homeassistant.turn_on
      target: !input fan
  - conditions:
    - condition: or
      - condition: state
        entity_id: !input presence_sensor
        state: 'off'
      - condition: template
        value_template: >
          {{ (temp_threshold_inside - hysteresis)|float > temp_inside|float }}
    - action: homeassistant.turn_off
      target: !input fan
  default: []
mode: single

How do I change the temperature measurement to Fahrenheit?

i just edited the blueprint to allow higher values for temp parameters. i doesn’t matter if you choose Fahrenheit or Celsius as the blueprint just compares the outside and inside temp values

The hysteresis value doesn’t work. When the temps inside start dropping to the set value the fan keeps going on and off every few seconds.

It keeps to message me an error about malformed input of empty presence sensor.
I have not a presence sensor… maybe you should make it optional.

I cannot use this blueprint unfortunately

Seems that 2024.8 breaks this blueprint. Specifically this section from the release notes.

Goodbye service calls, hello actions

It stopped turning my fan on after this update., Changing the call from “service” to “action” in the blueprint seems to have fixed it for me.

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