Automatic garden/sprinkler irrigation system with sonoff basic and solenoid valve

Looks great! That’s a nice healthy garden. Do you know if these solenoids are waterproof if I want to have it in a garden faucet in the rain? I can’t seem to find that info on the product descriptions…

Hi, finally about to embark on this little project. I’m using a Sonoff Mini instead (had one lying around). I had a question on wiring. The Sonoff Mini has the following: Neutral In (two), Live In (one), Live Out (one) and S1 and S2. I’ve never used a Sonoff before, so I was wondering how to wire it? In order to flash the Sonoff to Tasmota, I used a cable to and connected it to Neutral In and Live In, which powers it just fine. What do I therefore connect the solenoid to? It’s the same as yours, and according to Amazon the polarity doesn’t matter, but which pins do I connect those wires to on the Sonoff?

@rsachoc: Hard to know who you are talking to as there are a number of setups described in this thread.

However if you are supplying mains to your solenoid then just place it where you would place any other load like a bulb or an appliance.

EDIT: Mains is fatal if you get it wrong. Get an electrician.

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love this project/idea!

My question is abou the solenoid… anyone can suggest which specs should I use?

Is going to be outside, therefore I might need yo get a watering valve instead… which brand/specs?

Thank you all!

HI Folks,
I am trying to achieve this with the 4ch Pro as well. The solenoid Valves I am using are 12V. I am confused about the power supply and connection. I see 2 input power supply points, do I need to supply both DC and AC to the input of the Sonoff?
Also How do I get 12V DC out from the Sonoff. What is No COM and NC.
Sorry I’m used the sonoff basic and this is way out of my league. Any help is appreciated.

Nevermind, figured it out. This video explains the wiring diagram very well.

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Can you explain how do you feed the solonoid with 24 ?

My electric valve is 24v ac.
Also my power supply.
How can i use the 4ch sonoff ?

You need the Sonoff 4CH Pro, that one is designed for AC/DC low voltage. You can switch the positive or negative with the sonoff to close or open any 24v valves. I do the same here.

So I’m thinking of replicating this project, the hardware I’m fine working with it the problem is that I’m a complete neew in this.
My question is how can I apply the node-red cod to my project?
I suppose I will need to have the home assistant working first? Can you give me pointers from where to start?