Automatic login using auth key on URL (skip user or IP login due to dynamic IP address)

This may need to go in as a feature request for frontend (and possibly rejected since core dev’s probably don’t want to implement a less secure auth method) as I need to be able to use an iframe to display a specific dashboard, at a specific site, HOWEVER their IP is external and not static so I cannot use the trusted_networks and trusted_users to autologin.

Ideally, I need to embed the auth in the url, so would need to use either a “Long-Lived Access Tokens” or somehow create a “Refresh Tokens” that I can then provide in the iframe url (These are displayed on wallboards, so users generally won’t interact and are all hard-coded urls they are displaying).

Is there a way I can do something like:

So I can embed that in the iframe.
Looking at current auth providers and methods of setting cookies it doesn’t look easily possible to do this unless anyone is aware of a way of doing this?

It is not safe to put the auth_key in the iframe url, you can try GitHub - lovelylain/hass_ingress: Home Assistant ingress feature, add additional ingress panels to your Home Assistant frontend.
If your external service uses relative paths, you can use work_mode: ingress.
If your external service cannot work in ingress mode, you can use work_mode: auth to work with nginx.