Automatic screenshot of Lovelace view?

Hi guys,

Is there a way to take a screenshot/snapshot of a lovelace view at regular intervals?

I am trying to get my Cast my family calendar to a Nest Hub and just can’t get it to work (it just shows and empty calendar). Was thinking that if I could have HA take a snap shot of my calendar at regular intervals, I could just Cast a picture lovelace to my Nest Hub, which hopefully would work.

I found that the below feature does exactly this, but by the use of an external server installed in container. Pardon my ignorance, but is it possible to instal the same function directly in hassio?

I run HA on a RPI 4 and does not have containers.

I also got a Synology NAS 218 Play that perhaps could be of use.

same question…

how can i run it on my Rapi installation. need screenshots of my dashboard too. i ve no docker…

thx for help

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