Automating 'Updating Status of Switch' (Aeotec Dimmers)

So I have two Entities for my Aeotec Dimmer: 1) Binary on/off switch 2) Dimmer Bar, which starts at 0 (off) and goes to 100 (on). For whatever reason, the Z-wave class commands do not send updates to device status (on/off) when somebody toggles the switch manually. What does update though, is the Dimmer Bar numbers.

What I’m trying to do is create a rule so that if the Dimmer is 0, change state of the binary switch to off and vice versa. The reason i need this feature is to properly control the buttons using ‘toggle’ from a Dashboard perspective, however toggle does not properly work unless the current state is correct to start i.e. somebody manually flicked it to on, but HA shows it as off - toggling this will simply leave the light on (until you toggle it again).

Hoping there are potentially other ways i can solve this.

Did you find a solution for this?

Yes and No.

So what i wanted to know was if the dimmer was on or off to have it correctly presented on my dashboard.

So instead i set up a status toggle in the dashboard to show the light as ON if dimmer value = 100.

Spent a couple of hours of googling and testing, and I think it works for me now with changing the Configuration setting "Send Notifications to Associated Devices (Group 1) to Hail CC.

How did you do this? Having same problem with all my Zwave devices.