Automation 5 Minutes before calendar event

Hi all,

Do you know if it’s possible to create an automation to do something 5 minutes before calendar event ?

My goal is to open a garage door for my lawn mower 5 minutes before next schedule.

I’m using husqvarna automower add on who provides me calendar for the automower

But I can’t find how can I do that

Thanks a lot

This template trigger should do what you want. Obviously replace calendar.lawnmower with the proper entity_id. Calendar dates (at least mine) aren’t tz aware so |as_local is there to add a tz to the start_time datetime object

  - platform: template
    value_template: >
      {% if state_attr('calendar.lawnmower','start_time') != none %}
        {% set start = state_attr('calendar.lawnmower','start_time')|as_datetime|as_local %}
        {{ start - now() < timedelta(minutes=5) }}
      {% endif %}
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Thanks for this - needed something similar, for when our cleaner is due to arrive (and when she should have left).

The house sets ‘Cleaner’ mode if the doorbell rings, and/or her phone connects to our guest wifi, up to 10 minutes before the start_time

… and then goes back to ‘normal’ mode after the end_time (when the template goes to ‘false’) and if her phone has disconnected from the wifi, etc.

        {% if state_attr('calendar.cleaner','start_time') != none %}
          {% set start = state_attr('calendar.cleaner','start_time')|as_datetime|as_local %}
          {{ start - now() < timedelta(minutes=10) }}
        {% endif %}  

Set up as a template binary_sensor:

    - name: Cleaner Due 
      state: >
        {% if state_attr('calendar.cleaner','start_time') != none %}
          {% set start = state_attr('calendar.cleaner','start_time')|as_datetime|as_local %}
          {{ start - now() < timedelta(minutes=10) }}
        {% endif %}