I’m attempting to setup an automation for my humidifier.
I’ve set some triggers and conditions when the automation should run.
Works great when the conditions are met, but doesn’t achieve what I’m aiming for when the conditions are not met.
I use an input_boolean called ‘awake’ that indicates if I’m awake or not (humidifier is in my room, I don’t want it to run when I’m asleep).
If I put this as a condition, if the humidifier is running when I go to sleep, then it will keep running because conditions are not met…
Can we have a remaining catch action that we could optionally trigger when conditions are not met ?
Details of what I want to achieve (focus on triggers/conditions):
Trigger if humidity reaches threshold
Run only during daytime
Run only when I’m awake
If I’m not awake, or after the schedule, humidifier should turn off
Only way I can think of now is to put my conditions within the actions section as service_template. But I seem to be unable to use the conditions section itself.
Current automation:
- id: '1608571242117'
alias: Manage Bedroom humidity
description: ''
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.bedroom_humidity
- platform: state
entity_id: input_number.desired_humidity_bedroom
- platform: state
entity_id: input_boolean.awake
condition: []
- service_template: >
{% set target = states('input_number.desired_humidity_bedroom') | float %}
{% set actual = states('sensor.bedroom_humidity') | float %}
{% set delta = states('input_number.delta_humidity') | float %}
{% set hi = target + delta %}
{% set lo = target - delta %}
{% if is_state('input_boolean.awake', 'on') %}
{% if actual > hi %}
{% elif actual < lo %}
{% else %}
switch.turn_{{ states('switch.humidifier') | lower }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
entity_id: switch.humidifier
mode: single
For use cases like this I tend to use the chooser with the default where conditions are not met.
Also, providing your install is up to date (can’t remember which release introduced this change) it is no longer necessary to use service_template / data_template etc - templates can now be used with the usual service and data elements.
What you have seems to work when I tested it in the developer template, but I get the idea you had a condition: section that didn’t work. If you can share that, we can try to figure out what went wrong. It would get a little complicated, and you might be better off sticking with the template.
The chooser option that @TazUk mentions looks like a viable method as well - I missed that one, so haven’t tried it yet.
Does what you have within the template give the desired result?
Copy/paste error.
The code works well, lthough it contains the additional if statement to check if I’m awake.
I’ve replaced now with the suggested Chooser, mentioned by TazUk.
It facilitates the management of all these conditions and avoid garbage easy code in the service section, so thanks!
The option is called choose not chooser and it’s unnecessary for this application where the entity_id is fixed and only the service changes. It’s more of a stylistic choice as opposed to a necessity to resolve this problem.
Please consider double-checking your work when submitting it, otherwise it misleads the people trying to help you.
Please consider posting the revised version you have created. Otherwise, users who may have a similar question don’t have any example of how the automation was actually converted to use choose.
I only have the automation running when I’m home and awake.
The presence and awake input values are managed through scripts that I call via Google Assistant routines.
- id: '1608571242117'
alias: Manage Bedroom humidity
description: ''
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.bedroom_humidity
- platform: state
entity_id: input_number.desired_humidity_bedroom
- platform: state
entity_id: input_boolean.awake
- platform: state
entity_id: input_select.presence
condition: []
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: and
- condition: state
entity_id: input_select.presence
state: Home
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.awake
state: 'on'
- service: "{% set target = states('input_number.desired_humidity_bedroom')\
\ | float %} {% set actual = states('sensor.bedroom_humidity') | float %}\
\ {% set delta = states('input_number.delta_humidity') | float %} {% set\
\ hi = target + delta %} {% set lo = target - delta %} {% if actual > hi\
\ %}\n switch.turn_on\n{% elif actual < lo %}\n switch.turn_off\n\
{% else %}\n switch.turn_{{ states('switch.humidifier') | lower }}\n\
{% endif %}\n"
entity_id: switch.humidifier
- type: turn_off
device_id: 45cbc5ea50c3400f2ac1243be2518344
entity_id: switch.humidifier
domain: switch
mode: single