Automation active after reboot and other issues

I have just noticed several problems in HA:

  1. if I deactivate an automation, it is active again after a restart of Homeassistant. This affects several automations.
  2. if I assign the automations to categories, then these are also gone again after a restart
  3. the “last triggered” date is also set to the old values after a restart.

I have already emptied my Automation.yaml and only created one automation again. The problem also occurs here.

Extract from the configuration.yaml:

automation: !include automations.yaml

Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be?

I installed the last update today but the problem was already there before.

Thank you.

Hi Herbert,

It is very unclear what you are doing and what you are trying to do.

Could you back-up a bit and tells what you are trying to accomplish.

And deactivating and reactivating automations is very nearly never the way to go here. Just starting with that.

How to help us help you - or How to ask a good question.

sorry for the unclear explanation.

I had the problem that automations are executed, but when I deactivated automations and restarted HA, the deactivated automations were activated again. The execution time for the automations was also set back to an old date after a restart, even though the automation had already been executed again,

I was also unable to set any categories for the automations. These were also gone again after the restart.

Then I emptied Automations.yaml once and restarted it. Unfortunately, this was not successful either, because as soon as I created an automation and then activated it again, it was active again after a restart.

By chance, I then saw under the entities that there were still old automations there that I had already deleted. Only after I deleted them did HA work properly again.
Since I “tinkered” with the blueprints and automations, it is of course possible that an old automation was the problem.

The main thing is that it works again.

Thank you.