Hi All,
I’ve got a night routine thats executed manually, however I’ve introduced a new automation that turns on lights when our vacuum starts up in the middle of the night, and then turns off when the vacuum is done. Problematically, my night time routine, if executed while the vacuum is running kills the lights, so I’d like to try and update the automation so that IF the vacuum is state “cleaning” the automation runs but ‘skips’ the lights off portion of the automation, but I cant really think of a good way to do this. Would have any recommendations?
At the moment the only thing I can think of is to create separate automatons, when I turn on my goodnight boolean, one automation exists that only runs if the vacuum is ‘cleaning’ and does exactly what the goodnight routine does now but doesnt kill those lights (but also leave the existing one that only triggers IF the vacuum is cleaning) but i was hoping for a potentially more elegant solution within the same ‘goodnight’ automation I have now.