Automation at wits end

Hey guys,
Can anyone spot the issue with the below automation? I can trigger it manually but it will not trigger on it’s own. (running on

- id: '1530827609534'
  alias: Sunsetlights are on
      - entity_id: group.everyone
        from: not_home
        platform: state
        to: home
      - event: sunset
        offset: -00:45:00
        platform: sun
        condition: and
          - condition: sun
            after: sunset
          - condition: state
            entity_id: group.everyone
            state: home
      - entity_id: group.sunset_lights
        service: light.turn_on
      - entity_id: script.kitbench
        service: script.turn_on
      - data:
          message: Nighttime lights are now on
        entity_id: media_player.living_room_speaker
        service: tts.google_say

It trigger 45 mins before sunset but the condition will always fail as it will never be after sunset when it triggers.

And there it was starring at me… Thanks mate

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