I also have an Egardia alarm system, just as the topic starter, but mine is a bit older.
The “json” I get back from http://192.168.x.y/action/sensorListGet is
{ senrows : [
{no : "1", type : "Remote Controller", zone : "1", name : "Afstandsbe", attr : "Personal Att", cond : "", battery : "", tamp : "", bypass : "No"},
{no : "2", type : "Remote Keypad", zone : "2", name : "Voordeur", attr : "",cond : "", battery : "", tamp : "", bypass : "No"},
{no : "3", type : "Door Contact", zone : "3", name : "Voordeur", attr : "Entry Zone", cond : "Open", battery : "", tamp : "", bypass : "No"},
{no : "4", type : "IR Sensor", zone : "4", name : "Woonkamer", attr : "Entry Zone", cond : "", battery : "", tamp : "", bypass : "No"},
{no : "5", type : "IR Sensor", zone : "5", name : "Keuken", attr : "Entry Zone", cond : "", battery : "", tamp : "", bypass : "No"},
{no : "6", type : "Door Contact", zone : "6", name : "Achterdeur", attr : "Entry Zone", cond : "", battery : "", tamp : "", bypass : "No"}]
I believe the "/*-secure-"
at the start and "*/"
at the end is causing some issues.
I tried a few things in the template editor, but can’t get it to work.
How can I add the value of “cond” for both door contacts as sensors in HassIO?