I have a scenario with a bunch of temperature sensors where there is a potential for many of them to be triggered within a short time span.
Once triggered, the action is a simple notification call with some templating info to show which unit triggered the alarm.
Different sensors will be tied to different alarm recipients meaning that it won’t be a single one receiving all of them.
Which solution would be the most reliable solution and optimal from a performance perspective:
One big automation with all the temp sensors in one go. In actions, I go with “choose” and then setup one flow for each recipient.
Several smaller copies of the same automation but with sensors split according to the receipient. One automation per recipient.
Sure. The code below would be for one recipient. (I’m experimenting a bit with HTML formatting but I’ve removed most of it for clarity). Now that I think about I agree more with @tom_l because using choose will make it too convoluted.