Automation - Call for service Input boolean missing

Hello All,

I’ve got a bit of an odd one which I’m hoping is me being stupid.

After recently coming to HomeAssistant I’d set up some automation using the gui and in some of them one of the actions would be to turn a boolean input on or off using the call for service input_boolean.turn_on method.

Now this worked fine but as i added more automations and started understanding YAML more I decided to redo all my automations from scratch using Visual Studio Code.
So i created a basic one which when motion was detected it would turn a boolean input to on. However it didn’t work despite much tweaking.

Thinking it was me doing it wrong i went to add it again using the GUI automation builder but when I get to the action and select call for service dropdown, in the next drop down I can’t find any of the input_boolean. turn off/ turn on/ toggle options that I’d used before.

The only thing i can think of is i’ve upgraded home assistant to the latest version last night and it’s moved to be under something else.

Can anyone help me?

Have you tried Developer Tools > Services ?

It’s not even showing in there either

Don’t think it shows up if you don’t have any input_booleans defined… verify under states that you have an existing input_boolean entity under the Developer Tools > States

Yep I’ve got about 5 showing which I created through the helpers option. Even created another one to see if that would help but still nothing

How about your logs?

I’m really just trying to help you fully document the issue and your troubleshooting.

Yep done that, restarted HA and the raspberry pi it runs on as well.

Can you please show your configuration.yaml file?

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

  host_ip: ******
  listen_port: 80
  expose_by_default: false
  - light
  - switch
    name: "Lounge Lamp"
    hidden: false
    name: "TV Light"
    hidden: false
    name: "Table Light"
    hidden: false
    name: "Backlight"
    hidden: false
  username: *******
  password: *******
  - platform: aarlo
  - platform: aarlo
    - motion
    - sound
    - connectivity
  - platform: aarlo
    siren: True
    snapshot: True
    siren_volume: 10
    siren_duration: 60
  - platform: aarlo
  client_id: ******
  client_secret: *****

 usb_path: /dev/ttyACM1

As requested

Hmm, you have default_config, so this should be included. You could try adding


and restart.

Nope still nothing.

Looks like I might be having to rebuild home assistant from scratch

When this happens to me, closing the browser and creating a new connection to the frontend usually fixes it. This has happened to me several times after restarting HA but keeping the the same broswer frontend connection open. I am using google chrome broswer.

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Have you checked your logs?

So after clearing my browser cache it seems to be working again now!

Thanks for the help everyone