Automation: Checking the temperature at one hour and sending a telegram msg

Can you help me? I am doing something wrong.
I try to check the temperature (sensor aqara) at one hour, and if the result is less than 20 degrees, it should send a msg telegram (test).

It currently sends the message at the scheduled time, regardless of whether it is above or below 20 degrees.

- id: temp_dormitorio
  alias: Comprobar Temperatura DORMITORIO
  description: Si la temperatura del dormitorio es inferior a 20 grados, envía msg
    por Telegram
   - platform: numeric_state
     entity_id: sensor.temperature_thpdormitorio
     below: 20
   - platform: time
     at: '14:23:00'
  condition: []
   - service: telegram_bot.send_message
       message: Prueba

This will send a message at 14:23 but only if the temperature is below 20.

- id: temp_dormitorio
  alias: Comprobar Temperatura DORMITORIO
  description: Si la temperatura del dormitorio es inferior a 20 grados, envía msg
    por Telegram
   - platform: time
     at: '14:23:00'
   - condition: numeric_state
     entity_id: sensor.temperature_thpdormitorio
     below: 20
   - service: telegram_bot.send_message
       message: Prueba

Your automation sends a message when the time is 14:23 or if the temperature is below 20. That means even if the temperature is not below 20 you will still get a message at 14:23.

Works!! . Thank you.
I’m starting with this automation thing.

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