I’m trying to use a “choose” automation to improve readability of a somewhat complex set of variables. Unfortunately when its triggered it is not selecting anything and I get no errors in the HA logfile.
Anyone have suggestions?
The purpose of this is to take min/max temps and push them to a thermostat which does not support automatic changeover (just heat/cool/off) and has a max-min that is more narrow than some of my set-points so I had to get creative.
- alias: "Whynter Portable Heatpump HVAC Set Temperatures"
id: "Whynter Portable Heatpump HVAC Set Temperatures"
- platform: state
- sensor.whynter_portable_heatpump_hvac_requested_heat_computed
- sensor.whynter_portable_heatpump_hvac_requested_cool_computed
for: '00:00:05'
- platform: state
entity_id: climate.whynter_portable_heatpump
from: 'off'
for: '00:00:05'
mode: queued
- condition: not
- condition: state
entity_id: climate.whynter_portable_heatpump
state: 'off'
- variables:
cool_set: "[states('sensor.whynter_portable_heatpump_hvac_requested_heat_computed') | int(0),states('sensor.whynter_portable_heatpump_hvac_requested_cool_computed') | int(0)]|max"
heat_set: "[states('sensor.whynter_portable_heatpump_hvac_requested_heat_computed') | int(0),states('sensor.whynter_portable_heatpump_hvac_requested_cool_computed') | int(0)]|min"
max_set: "86"
min_set: "61"
room_temp: "states('sensor.whynter_portable_heatpump_temperature') | int(0) "
cool_set_too_low: "cool_set < min_set"
cool_set_too_high: "cool_set > max_set"
cool_set_in_range: "cool_set >= min_set and cool_set <= max_set"
heat_set_too_low: "heat_set < min_set"
heat_set_too_high: "heat_set > max_set"
heat_set_in_range: "heat_set >= min_set and heat_set <= max_set"
room_below_cool_set: "room_temp < cool_set"
room_above_cool_set: "room_temp > cool_set"
room_below_heat_set: "room_temp < heat_set"
room_above_heat_set: "room_temp > heat_set"
room_below_cool_max: "room_temp < max_set"
room_above_heat_min: "room_temp > min_set"
do_cool: >-
(cool_set_too_low) or
(cool_set_in_range) or
(cool_set_too_high and room_below_cool_set and room_below_cool_max) or
(cool_set_too_high and room_above_cool_set)
do_heat: >-
(heat_set_too_low and room_below_heat_set) or
(heat_set_too_low and room_above_heat_set and room_above_heat_min) or
(heat_set_in_range) or
do_max_cool: >-
(heat_set_too_low and room_above_heat_set and room_below_heat_min and room_below_cool_max)
do_min_heat: >-
(cool_set_too_high and room_below_cool_set and room_aboce_cool_max and room_above_heat_min)
#cool_set_too_low and room_below_cool_set -> do_cooling
#cool_set_too_low and room_above_cool_set -> do_cooling
#cool_set_in_range and room_below_cool_set -> do_cooling
#cool_set_in_range and room_above_cool_set -> do_cooling
#cool_set_too_high and room_below_cool_set and room_below_cool_max -> do_cooling
#cool_set_too_high and room_below_cool_set and room_aboce_cool_max and room_above_heat_min -> set_heat_min
#cool_set_too_high and room_above_cool_set -> do_cooling
#heat_set_too_low and room_below_heat_set -> do_heating
#heat_set_too_low and room_above_heat_set and room_above_heat_min -> do_heating
#heat_set_too_low and room_above_heat_set and room_below_heat_min and room_below_cool_max -> set_cool_max
#heat_set_in_range and room_below_heat_set -> do_heating
#heat_set_in_range and room_above_heat_set -> do_heating
#heat_set_too_high and room_below_heat_set -> do_heating
#heat_set_too_high and room_above_heat_set -> do_heating
- choose:
# do_cooling
- conditions:
condition: template
value_template: >
{{ do_cool }}
# Set cool mode
- service: climate.set_temperature
entity_id: climate.whynter_portable_heatpump
hvac_mode: cool
temperature: "{{ [cool_set,max_set] | min }}"
# do_heating
- conditions:
condition: template
value_template: >
{{ do_heat }}
# Set heat mode
- service: climate.set_temperature
entity_id: climate.whynter_portable_heatpump
hvac_mode: heat
temperature: "{{ [heat_set,min_set] | max }}"
# do_max_cool
- conditions:
condition: template
value_template: >
{{ do_max_cool }}
# Set heat mode
- service: climate.set_temperature
entity_id: climate.whynter_portable_heatpump
hvac_mode: cool
temperature: "{{ max_set }}"
# do_min_heat
- conditions:
condition: template
value_template: >
{{ do_min_heat }}
# Set heat mode
- service: climate.set_temperature
entity_id: climate.whynter_portable_heatpump
hvac_mode: heat
temperature: "{{ min_set }}"
If I put it in the template-dev-panel after doing some find-replace to refactor the variables syntax without changing the strings, it looks like it should be finding a match:
{% set cool_set = [states('sensor.whynter_portable_heatpump_hvac_requested_heat_computed') | int(0),states('sensor.whynter_portable_heatpump_hvac_requested_cool_computed') | int(0)]|max %}
{% set heat_set = [states('sensor.whynter_portable_heatpump_hvac_requested_heat_computed') | int(0),states('sensor.whynter_portable_heatpump_hvac_requested_cool_computed') | int(0)]|min %}
{% set max_set = 86 %}
{% set min_set = 61 %}
{% set room_temp = states('sensor.whynter_portable_heatpump_temperature') | int(0) %}
{% set cool_set_too_low = cool_set < min_set %}
{% set cool_set_too_high = cool_set > max_set %}
{% set cool_set_in_range = cool_set >= min_set and cool_set <= max_set %}
{% set heat_set_too_low = heat_set < min_set %}
{% set heat_set_too_high = heat_set > max_set %}
{% set heat_set_in_range = heat_set >= min_set and heat_set <= max_set %}
{% set room_below_cool_set = room_temp < cool_set %}
{% set room_above_cool_set = room_temp > cool_set %}
{% set room_below_heat_set = room_temp < heat_set %}
{% set room_above_heat_set = room_temp > heat_set %}
{% set room_below_cool_max = room_temp < max_set %}
{% set room_above_heat_min = room_temp > min_set %}
{% set do_cool =
(cool_set_too_low) or
(cool_set_in_range) or
(cool_set_too_high and room_below_cool_set and room_below_cool_max) or
(cool_set_too_high and room_above_cool_set)
{% set do_heat =
(heat_set_too_low and room_below_heat_set) or
(heat_set_too_low and room_above_heat_set and room_above_heat_min) or
(heat_set_in_range) or
{% set do_max_cool =
(heat_set_too_low and room_above_heat_set and room_below_heat_min and room_below_cool_max)
{% set do_min_heat =
(cool_set_too_high and room_below_cool_set and room_aboce_cool_max and room_above_heat_min)
do_cool: {{ do_cool }}
do_heat: {{ do_heat }}
do_max_cool: {{ do_max_cool }}
do_min_heat: {{ do_min_heat }}
Dev template output:
do_cool: True
do_heat: True
do_max_cool: False
do_min_heat: False
But if I look at the traces, it isn’t matching: