I’ve been working on an automation to pass my google calendar to an AWTRIX clock but currently if there’s an all day event that overrules everything and only display that.
Is there a condition to ignore all day events and /or events >4 hours duration?
Part 2: is there a way to collect the whole days events into a variable / template so I could pass these to the AWTRIX clock?
November 6, 2024, 12:38am
Please share your automation.
You should be able to list them all with a for loop.
e.g. this example is at the bottom of the calendar documentation page:
message: >-
Your school calendar for today:
{% for event in agenda["calendar.school_calendar"]["events"] %}
{{ event.start}}: {{ event.summary }}<br>
{% endfor %}
Thank you for the for loop suggestion and link I’ll take a look.
Here is my automation code
‘alias: Send Calendar to Awtrix.
description: CALENDAR
- minutes: /20
trigger: time_pattern
- trigger: calendar
entity_id: calendar.will_gmail_com
event: start
offset: "-1:0:0"
- trigger: calendar
entity_id: calendar.will_gmail_com
event: start
offset: "-0:30:0"
- condition: template
value_template: |
{{ calendar_event.summary != '' }}
- choose: []
default: null
- alias: Variable Entity
variables: {}
- variables:
alias: Variable Entity
variables: {}
- 5de967b419adb63dece3ab07f4b0fca8
user_data: {}
value_template: "{{ user_data.get('value_template', states(entity_id)) }}"
icon_template: "{{ user_data.get('icon_template', app_icon) }}"
prefix_text: >-
duration: 30
payload: |-
{{('"icon"' if icon_template) ~ (":" if icon_template) ~ ('"' ~ icon_template ~ '"' if icon_template) }}
{{"," if icon_template}} "text":"{{prefix_text}}",
"pushIcon": 2,
"repeat": 2
- repeat:
for_each: "{{ device_ids }}"
- variables:
awtrix_device_name: >-
{{ iif( device_attr(repeat.item, 'name_by_user') != none,
device_attr(repeat.item, 'name_by_user'), device_attr(repeat.item,
'name') ) }}
- if: []
- data:
name: "{{app_name}}"
data: "{{ dict(payload, **user_options) }}"
action: awtrix.{{awtrix_device_name}}_push_app_data
- data:
name: "{{app_name}}"
data: {}
action: awtrix.{{awtrix_device_name}}_push_app_data
mode: single
entity_id: calendar_event.summary
app_name: Calendar details
app_icon: calendarsmall
additional_conditions: []