Automation: Condition in Actions

Hello guys!

So if i remember correctly, you can’t set further conditions in the actions anymore. Am i correct?

Im on the latest dev build and partially it can be done… Intended?

This works:

           - Service something <-- executed
           - Condition if state <-- that results a "true"
           - Service something <-- executed

This works:

           - Service something <-- executed
           - Condition if state <-- that results a "false"
           - Service something <-- not executed

This not works:

           - Service something <-- executed
           - Condition if state <-- that results a "false"
           - Service something <-- not executed
           - Condition if state <-- that results a "true"
           - Service something <-- not executed, but should be?
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Well thank you for clarifing how it works. Hopefully this will be fixed and work like in tour third example. World solve a lot of headaches