I have an ESP32-based doorbell that randomly disconnects WiFi for a few secs throughout the day. My attempts to overcome the issue in the ESP YAML have been unsuccessful.
To minimize the disruption, I thought to add an AND condition to the buzzer automation to check whether that Uptime is greater than say 5 secs. If not, it avoids triggering the doorbell buzzer.
The sensor.doorbell_uptime gives an output of “unavailable” or a “hh:mm:ss” uptime readout.
The below excerpt is my attempt, I am unclear whether the use of numeric state and time work together or whether 5 seconds is represented as shown.
Can anyone direct me or suggest better ways to add a ‘greater than’ time-based condition?
condition: and
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.doorbell_uptime
above: 5