i cannot for the life of me get conditions in automations to work. i’ve got an automation that i set up to open my garage door, but only if my alarm isn’t armed for zero entry delay…but no matter what i do the template for that attribute from my alarm just isn’t working.
condition: template
value_template: >-
{{ states.sensor.home_alarm_keypad.attributes.armed_zero_entry_delay == true
if i put that template into the template test dev tool, it shows false…yet the automation still runs if i trigger it. what am i doing wrong?
Are you triggering the automation manually?
In this case the condition are being ignored.
argh, yes. that would explain it.
will that apply to calling the automation.trigger service as well?
how can i create a manually triggered automation then that has conditions (example: the one i’m trying to create where i can only open my garage door from the HA GUI under certain conditions)…
is there a way to have a button card trigger an automation (or do a certain action) but only in certain conditions like this?
You could use a script instead of an automation for this.
You can use use conditions as well to prevent the execution from actions.
i actually ended up using a state-switch to change the cards depending on the variables i wanted to limit by…so, if alarm armed at night, the state-switch changes to a card that only brings up more info on the garage door rather than opening it.