Automation Conductor: Ensure Only One Automation Runs at a Time on the Same Device, No Conflicts

:face_with_monocle: About this blueprint

Have you ever struggled with a sunrise automation that’s supposed to wake you up gently, only to have another automation kick in and blast your lights to full brightness? Or maybe you’ve tried to save electricity by turning off the heating, only to have another automation override it and switch it back on because the room temperature has dropped?

These kinds of conflicts can be frustrating, especially when you’re trying to create a seamless smart home experience. That’s where this blueprint comes in - it’s like a “conductor” that ensures only one automation is executed at a time, preventing clashes and allowing your devices to behave as intended.

This blueprint acts as a gatekeeper, allowing you to specify a list of automations that are mutually exclusive. When one of them starts running, the others will be turned off. When the automation finishes, all others will be turned on again.

Technical Details
  • Type of blueprint: AUTOMATION
  • Minimum Home Assistant version: 2024.6.0


It only works with automations, not scripts.

:gear: Configuration


  • Nothing special

Input fields

  • Automations :asterisk:: REQUIRED List of automations that are mutually exclusive.

:heavy_plus_sign: Other blueprints

:arrow_down: How to get this blueprint?

Click the badge to import this Blueprint:

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Or you can also:

  • Copy-paste the content from this link to a new file inside your configuration’s blueprints/automation folder.


  • 2024-09-22: First release.
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