Automation configuration for shelly device - What to do with normal relay?

Hi all,

I have a few shelly device (1L or 1pm) that I would like to automate single/double click and long press.
Unfortunately, my double click doesn’t seem to be triggered. (I am using a single pole diy to momentary), may be I forget something in the setting. I could probably use a counter instead, that would reset itself after x time. But before that, I have another issue or let’s say concern.

At first, I would like to use the single click vs long click.
Concern: the connected lights turn on/off with the single or long click as the relay gets triggered by switch as it’s programmed.

Should I change something in the setting or should I use automation to do it all (meaning turned off the relay light if it’s a long press ?)

First the Shelly must be set in its WebUi like this

Then you go in Homeassistant to the device to the Shelly integration and reload (three points)

Go back to the device and click on Automation on the left, then you have the choice to create with Push and Long.

Is Not Support with Shelly 1PM

Thank you, that’s what I was missing ! :slight_smile: