Automation disabled when scene is actived


I have a question, i search for a while but can’t find it.

I have a automation when there is motion detection the light are automatic goin on for 2 minutes. but i have a dog and they walk over the hallway in the night and the lights are going on because is trigger by motion detection.

I have a scene called To Bed… i search can i disabled my automation 10 minutes after when scene To Bed is pressed and enabled on 6 o clock? or bether option?

You can just put a time condition in your automation.

Thank you, but this is only for enble a 6 o clock… do you know how can i tempory disabled the automation by activate a scene?

In automations you can use service call for automation too:

So create an automation that has the trigger event and turns the other automation off for 10 min

A scene triggers an event:

- alias: 'On My_Scene Activated'
    platform: event
    event_type: 'call_service'
      domain: scene
      service: turn_on
        entity_id: 'scene.my_scene'
    - service: automation.turn_off
      data: {}
        entity_id: automationid

As copied from: Can I trigger an automation by scene being activated?