Automation does not triggered after update to 106

Hey all,

I have an automation for my Playstation 4 which changes my light based on the game I play. Since 106 this doesnt work anymore. Does someone have a clue? Here is the code:

- alias: Media Player PS4 Tekken
    platform: state
    entity_id: media_player.playstation_4
    from: 'idle'
    to: 'playing'
    - condition: template
      value_template: "{{ states.media_player.playstation_4.attributes.source == 'TEKKEN 7' }}"
    - service: scene.turn_on
        entity_id: scene.tekken

When i manually trigger the automation everything works. Strange.

Not so strange because when you manually trigger an automation, it simply executes the action and completely skips the trigger and condition.

In Developer Tools > States, find media_player.playstation_4 and confirm its state and attributes are what the automation expects to see. Also, check the system log for any errors related to this issue.

Hi thank you for your advice. I can confirm that states and attributes are correct. Before 106 the automation just runs fine and I didn’t change anything. Sadly there is no entry in the logs:(

Does it work if you remove the condition?

Hey, when i remove the condition everything works. I have testet the syntax of my condition and it gives me True when the game is playing and false if it is not playing.

Could it be, that playstation 4 changes to ‘playing’ but the source attribute changes a bit later? If this is true, then your automation will not work because at the moment it’s changing to ‘playing’ the source is not “TEKKEN 7”.

Could you try using your condition as the trigger for the automation?

Uh, you are right! When I change it like you suggest it works \o/
Strange that everything works before I upgraded to 106 0o. But I think it’s the better way to do it with the template as the trigger.