Automation Editor with simple existing automation


I know, the automation editor is a “preview” and maybe I do something wrong, but I cant even editing a very simple automation correctly.

I want to editing an existing automation like this: (converting all automations like “Bruh Automation”)

- id: alarmanlage_an
  alias: alarmanlage_an
    platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.time
    state: '23:30'
    service: scene.turn_on
    entity_id: scene.aktiviere_alarm

First problem:
If I “open” this automation with the new Edititor
I see this

Why is this “From” and “To”?? I just want to change the time?

Second problem:
the Action part looks like this

where is the entity_id:?

If I change anything the automation looks crazy and is not working…
So what is the problem? No one of my automations is editable. Some of them are VERY simple?

Thx for helping

Sensor state trigger from old_state to new_stage, in your case, it’d be the time, just put the time 23:30 to the “to” field. See mine below.

as for the 2nd issue, I see the same problem on mine, the editor doesn’t display the entity_id


thx. Its working put the time in the “to” field. But why is it not already there? Seems useless if I have to look in the automations.yaml to see what I have to fill out.
I think I have to wait. But thanks to the developers hard work. I’m waiting for further updates.:slight_smile:

Ok made a new automation with the editor.

Did this

Got this. (I don’t think this is working)

- action:
  - alias: Alarm_an
      entity_id: scene.aktiviere_alarm
    service: scene.turn_on
  alias: keiner Zuhause
  id: '1495654036590'
  - entity_id: device_tracker.lenchen
    from: home
    platform: state
    to: not home
  - entity_id: device_tracker.slop
    from: home
    platform: state
    to: not home

Edit: wrong screen