Automation enabled/disabled status

Hoping for some help understanding the 2 ways in the UI that an Automation can be enabled/disabled:-

  • The Settings/Automations list shows a toggle which can also be seen and controlled from ‘Information’ in the 3 dot menu on the right.

  • ‘Show settings’ (from same menu) for that Automation also shows an ‘Enabled’ toggle switch (above ‘Visible’).

However these are apparently 2 entirely different status settings as changing either one has no effect on the other.

Why are there 2 independent ways to enable/disable an Automation and what is the difference between them?

Or are they in fact the same thing but the UI is failing to show them in sync?

The first toggle controls the status of the automation, or perhaps I should say it disables the automation’s triggers as an automation turned off from this toggle can still be run/triggered manually. This is available for automations only, and can also be toggled by automations themselves, scripts, etc.

The second toggle controls the status of the entity. This is available for all entities. It can only be controlled from the GUI and some lower level API, not by automations/scripts. An entity that is disabled for all intents and purposes no longer exists, the only practical difference to actually deleting it is that it can be quickly brought back by re-enabling it.

Thanks for that. Perfectly answers my question.