I have a simple script that fails to check the condition @ HA 2021.3.
the “input_boolean.hobbykamer_pc_aan” is set to ON (checked with developer tools)
input_boolean.hobbykamer_pc_aan on
editable: true
friendly_name: Hobbykamer pc aan
icon: mdi:monitor
The automation is executed at the correct time
the automation does not check the “input_boolean.hobbykamer_pc_aan”, it always opens the covers.
it drives me crazy … what’s the missing link?
- id: '1614932641904'
alias: Hobby open op timer
description: ''
- platform: time
at: input_datetime.boven_alles_open
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.hobbykamer_pc_aan
state: 'off'
- service: cover.open_cover
entity_id: cover.bo_hobby_jaloezie
mode: single
When you tested it, did you wait for the automation to trigger by itself whrn at the time defined in the input_datetime or did you execute it manually?
I set the time using “input_datetime.boven_alles_open” and then let HA executed the automation.
adjusted automation
set time (current time +5 minutes)
Waited for HA to execute
Is the state for the input_boolean ‘on’ under Developer Tools -> States? Can you maybe post a screenshot?
Just ruling stuff out, but are you certain that it’s this automation that has fired and opened the blinds?
Yes, disabled all others … this is the one.
update to 2021.3.2 : same results
And you have reloaded the automation since making the ‘adjustments’ you mention in your second post?
Do you need an s at the end of condition: as there is a list underneath?
No, he doesn’t, the automation keyword is condition (singular), as is trigger and action.
March 6, 2021, 11:06am
conditions: is only required for condition types that accept multiple conditions (e.g. and, or, not, maybe others).
I’m out of ideas, the code looks perfectly fine. And the trigger and action part work according to your testing.
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I rebooted multiple times, just to be sure. But it keeps ignoring the condition. I don’t see why this automation fails.
I will try a NOT statement
March 6, 2021, 4:10pm
As an experiment, try using a different type of condition. It should not make a difference but let’s see how it behaves.
- id: '1614932641904'
alias: Hobby open op timer
description: ''
- platform: time
at: input_datetime.boven_alles_open
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ is_state('input_boolean.hobbykamer_pc_aan', 'off') }}"
- service: cover.open_cover
entity_id: cover.bo_hobby_jaloezie
mode: single
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I remove the old automation and use the template. The automation worked 100%, so there seems to be an issue with the state & reading booleans
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.hobbykamer_pc_aan
state: 'off'