Automation for slow dim?

I am trying to automate a slow fade of a dimmer (over a period of, say, 30 minutes).

I haven’t quite figured out if the “script component” is going to be sufficient for this or if I’m going to have to write a python component.

Any pointers to get me started?

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alias: Turn off kitchen lights when there is movement
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.motion_sensor
to: ‘on’
service: homeassistant.turn_off
entity_id: script.dim_lamp

alias: “Dim and then turn off lamp in 30 minutea”
state: off
transition: 1800
brightness: 145[/code]

If your platform supports it, the “transition” attribute could help.

It’s a z-wave dimmer, so unfortunately I don’t think it helps.

[quote=“dennisaion”] automation: ... transition: 1800 brightness: 145[/quote]

It’s a z-wave dimmer. I don’t think that supports “transition” settings.

I think I have something using a python component, moving discussion to development forum.