since 2 days of several more severe issues (Hassio went down completely …) some of my automations stopped working or behave differently from before.
- Suddenly i see a new update notification in the Home page:
. Wasnt there before, so where does it come from? Im waiting for the Hassio component to give me a nudge, but we have to wait a bit more for .58 i read. The advanced Hassio settings support this:
My new device tracker gave me a persistent notification, but no badge in the front end like before. Somehow my automation looks a bit confused, but i dare not change it before you tell me to do so How come no badge is displayed anymore?
- alias: Update Available Notifications
platform: state
entity_id: updater.updater
service: notify.notify
message: Update for Home Assistant is available.
- action:
- alias: ''
message: New Device Tracked
service: persistent_notification.create
alias: New Device Tracked
condition: []
id: '1509371767814'
- event_data:
message: New Device Tracked
event_type: device_tracker_new_device
platform: event
I havent edited any of this manually, and as said, it worked perfectly before, so something must have altered it…
about the id: this is supposedly necessary for being able to edit in the automation editor? It isn’t of much use to me now, since no matter which automation i want to edit, the editor always shows the same .
Thanks for any feedback,