Im very new to HA, and I wonder if anyone can help me to create an automation to stop my home battery if my Zappi EV Charger starts charging between the hours of 5.30a.m and 11.30p.m?
Just to explain why i need this , I’ve recently gone onto Intelligent Octopus Go and have found that if Octopus decide to switch on my Zappi during those hours, my home battery is drained. As I have the home battery set to charge overnight it isnt a problem then, but would like to stop the home battery when the Zappi is switched on during the 5.30am to 11.30 pm period?
Im just starting out too and doing me research and planning for setting up HA. Wouldnt you want to charge your battery at the same time to benefit from the 7.5p rate instead of just stopping it discharging? If it gets to 100% you would still not be discharging if it is set to charge mode.
Easiest way, is to do it once and do it right. I had the same problem. So, ensure you have 2 CT clamps connected to your Zappi.
Set up right the Zappi doesn’t drain the battery. I did it just before Christmas. My energi have an FAQ with the correct installation on their website mate.
I think that’s pointless discharging whilst charging. MTBF for my batteries is ~10,000 cycles. So I set my batteries to not discharge during charge periods so I get the most life out of them.