Automation - how steering color temperature of white light?


Sorry but as new user can put only one picture, hope my msg will be clear without pictures what I prepper and now need erase…

I have RGB+CCT LED controller and manually in HA/Z2M I can set color temerature of white light:

[PIC 1 - screen from Z2M expose tab where I can change white color/temperature manually]

[PIC 2 - screen from Z2M dashbardtab with LED driver settings where I can change white color/temperature manually]

Additional I have remote controller for RGB and CCT due to decide control white color from pilot and as you see on below picture I have signal color temrature up and down in automation trigger:

[PIC 3 - automation trigger showing availabe signel from remote controller for up/down white color ]

Unfortunetly in automation of LED driver cannot direct steering white color, no option here:

[PIC 4 - automation screen of action from LED driver where missing +/- white color set]

But when I choose serivce light in autmation action then appear “Color temperature” and “Color temperature (Kelvin)”

But my idea is clicking on remote controller plus or minus buttons for smooth changing withe color/temperature in my LED strip between max and min values avaialbe in my LED driver.

My question is how to enable change on some value or percent or step wthite color/tempaerature what is available for brightness in light service? Or how add in LED driver action set up and down white color/tempearture change? How achieve my aim?

BR, Krzysiek

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I have the same question. Have you found a solution other than using a script or a Hook linked to a remote control?
Best regards


Unfortunately not, probably need request for change in service light.

BR, Krzysiek