Automation if washing machine is finished

With the following code i try to get an information, when the washing machine is finished.

I read the wattage from the washing machine (or rather from a power plug).

But now I have the problem, sometimes fluctuates strongly downwards even during the washing process

now to my question. Is it possible to check the wattage as a trigger but only trigger if the wattage is 2 minutes below a value?

Here is my current code

alias: Waschmaschine fertig
description: ''
  - platform: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ states('sensor.waschmaschine_mss310_power_w_main_channel')|float <
      states('input_number.waschmaschine_fertig') | float }}
  - condition: time
    after: '06:59'
    before: '22:00'
  - service: notify.telegram_familie
      title: Waschmaschine
      message: ist fertig
  - service: script.alexa_sprachausgabe_eg_komlett
      message: Waschmaschine ist fertig
      type: announce
mode: single
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yes see here

alias: Waschmaschine fertig
description: ''
  - platform: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ states('sensor.waschmaschine_mss310_power_w_main_channel')|float <
      states('input_number.waschmaschine_fertig') | float }}
    for: "00:02:00"

And, you can use numeric_state:

- platform: numeric_state
  entity_id: sensor.waschmaschine_mss310_power_w_main_channel
  below: input_number.waschmaschine_fertig
    minutes: 2

Thanks to both of you

I try the code from m0wlheld

It works with this code.

But I get the Info every 2:30 Minutes until I turn off the washing machine.

My code is now:

alias: Waschmaschine fertig
description: ''
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.waschmaschine_mss310_power_w_main_channel
    below: input_number.waschmaschine_fertig
      hours: 0
      minutes: 2
      seconds: 30
  - condition: time
    after: '06:59'
    before: '22:00'
  - service: notify.telegram_familie
      title: Waschmaschine
      message: ist fertig
  - service: script.alexa_sprachausgabe_eg_komlett
      message: Waschmaschine ist fertig
      type: announce
mode: single

How can I get the message only once per wash cycle

You must set the input_number reasonable low and probably extend the for time. I have a similar automation, but use a constant low threshold of 10 Watts for 10 minutes

Ok I understand, but I think this not work with my washing machine, because they have an anti-crease, so they go to higher Watts after they finished.

But thank you.