Automation / issue with config

i am trying to create some automation…but struggling where to find “options/ states etc of specific entities…”

for example i have switch defined in config

  • platform: orvibo
    discovery: false

but i have no idea how to change its state based on some event…

also i have media player… and i want to start the playback …

but it doesnt do anything with Play


A condition checks things - it doesn’t do anything.

You need to use Call a service to use the service calls, to play media.

not sure … as its

i cant access that specific media player within call service,

also regarding the switch there is no option to change states? thanks

I am sure enough for both of us :wink: Thankfully the docs explain it.

also regarding the switch there is no option to change states? thanks

Sure, using the switch.turn_on and switch.turn_off services

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dont get that link hm … hows test a condition linked with media player? ;/

You said i want to start the playback and showed an image of a state condition

That is testing a condition - which isn’t what you want, you want the service call I linked to.

sorry dont get it …

I said i want to execute Playback on device media_player.obyvak_b_w

also service Switch turn off … doesnt work … basicaly that switch is not inside Targets…

Since you seem to be struggling with the basics maybe these sections of the docs would be better to get you started.

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