Automation layer on the top or the heartbeat of your home?

I am a newbee in home automation. We are renewing the electric installation of our house. I was thinking to make a system with eltako relais and using enocean interruptors. I would like to have sure that this system is on the top of the standard electric installation and that if the server is broken, you still can activate the light systems. With other words, is home assistant the heart of the system, or home assistant is just sending the same commands to the electric installation as the standard interruptors and you can just monitor the states of everything in the house?
Someone has experience with eltako and enocean with home assitant?
My idea is first installing the electric installation and later start with home automation myself.
Kind regards,

Those are pretty esoteric devices and you are locked in. I would much rather go with a standard setup using a z-wave switch of your choice to have ability to swap out in the future.