Since update to 0.86.x I have some problems with a my automations. Most still run fine. But some, not sure how many up to now, are loaded but not longer get triggered.
I can find the automations in states tab. The second from left on bottom in sidemenu. Next to Services.
So for example this automations run before update, but now it does not trigger but is listed.
alias: Licht im Badezimmer an dann besetzt
hide_entity: true
- platform: state
entity_id: switch.bathroom_main_light_switch
from: 'off'
to: 'on'
- service: input_boolean.turn_on
entity_id: input_boolean.bathroom_occupied
- service: notify.wohnung
message: 'Badezimmer besetzt'
It does not run any action. Btw when I run the automation manually from services tab it runs both actions.
Does anyone have an idea why this is not longer triggered?
[homeassistant.loader] Loaded automation.state and others the alias of the automations not working are not found. But in home assistant I can find the automations.
Also strange is some automation with state trigger that are working are listet under [homeassistant.loader] Loaded automation.state and some are listet under [homeassistant.loader] Loaded automation.event but both only have a state trigger. Maybe because one is a switch and the other a binary sensor?
For the automations listed on the States tab, what does it show for their states (i.e., in the State column)? Are they on? An automation has to be on for the normal triggering to work. (You can still manually trigger them, though, even if they’re off I believe.)
If they’re on, then for the example automation you show above, have you checked the history of switch.bathroom_main_light_switch? Does it ever go from ‘off’ to ‘on’? You can try manually setting its state to ‘off’ and then to ‘on’ via the States tab. Find it in the list and click on it so it populates the area at the top of the page. Then change the value under State to off and click SET STATE. Then change the value under State to on and click SET STATE. (This doesn’t actually turn the switch off and on, it just changes its value in the State Machine, which is what automation triggers react to.) After doing this, did the automation trigger?
It was because some automations where off, but no idea why. I did not set them off, before update all were on. Changed them back to on and now they are working.