Automation missing in frontend

I am trying to make automations for one z-wave switch so that when I hold the toggle switch it will turn on another light if I’m holding it up or turn off if I’m holding down.

I got it working to turn on but when I try to create the second automation to turn it off it never appears in the frontend and I get a bunch of entries in my yaml.

My suspicion is that it things these are duplicates but they are slightly different.

I cleaned up the duplicated in my YAML but can’t get the second automation to show in the UI.

- id: '1692125950441'
  alias: Garage shed light on from main door
  description: ''
  - platform: device
    device_id: 766231fe4f13f543f85026d5abd8886e
    domain: zwave_js
    type: event.value_notification.central_scene
    property: scene
    property_key: '001'
    endpoint: 0
    command_class: 91
    subtype: Endpoint 0 Scene 001
    value: 2
  condition: []
  - type: turn_on
    device_id: 8422074e90534bb109dff684c8457d18
    entity_id: 6fb7a53321c4546eeea4cdb535852c17
    domain: switch
  mode: single
- id: '1692148757786'
  alias: Garage shed light off
  description: ''
  - platform: device
    device_id: 766231fe4f13f543f85026d5abd8886e
    domain: zwave_js
    type: event.value_notification.central_scene
    property: scene
    property_key: '002'
    endpoint: 0
    command_class: 91
    subtype: Endpoint 0 Scene 002
    value: 2
  condition: []
  - type: turn_off
    device_id: 8422074e90534bb109dff684c8457d18
    entity_id: 6fb7a53321c4546eeea4cdb535852c17
    domain: switch
  mode: single

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?