Automation Modes for options within automations

I think the automation modes do not completely cover the needs when we use trigger ID and multiple option to choose from within the automation.

In my case, I use one simple automation for my post box. It is a German one with two doors, one for filling and one for emptying.
The automation is triggered by two door sensors. One for filling one for emptying.
I added a wait to the filling option of my automation to get the notification only once if the postman is fiddling around with the filling door.
Unfortunately while emptying the post box I have to check the filling door as well. So the wait in the filling option prevents the emptying option to run.
The automation modes do not help in this case because I would again get a notification for each time the filling door is touched.
In my case I would need the options to run parallel, but only a single instance of each option should be able to run.
It’s this something for a feature request or am I thinking the wrong way?
I know I could make a new automation for the notification, but I would like to do it in one.

What do you guys think about that?

Use a condition on the filling option so the notification isn’t sent until both sensors meet your criteria.

For example, this light doesn’t turn on when the doors sensor opens if it’s before sunset.

Why not add a condition to the “filling” branch prior to the notification that checks if the automation has been triggered already that day…?

condition: template
value_template: |
  {{ this.attributes.last_triggered | default(as_datetime(0)) < today_at() }}

That’s a good idea!

This sounds like a scenario where two automations should be used. They will act exactly as you described.

Since there is not much interest to get more control of the automation options and i made some more experience. I think the best solution is to split automations.
If notifications break at least the state within Home Assistant will be correct.

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